April 24, 2004 Graduation Banquet for the
June and December 2003 Graduating Classes
Photos (digital image) of individuals are available by contacting Richard Flood @ the LETC e-mail me with your name & e-mail address & I will send you your picture.
Emcee Steve Murzen welcomes graduates & guests
Ray Schemanske speaks about continuing education
Tom Ingalls addresses the graduates
Richard Darin & Dean Napper award completion certificates
Charles Taormina announces the Walencewicz Memorial Award winner
Jeff Peters receives the Walencewicz Memorial Award
Brian Walewski Jr. receives completion certificate from his father Brian Walewski Sr.
Mark Saba announces the recipient winner of the 2003 Cooney Award
Frank Livingston receives the 2003 Cooney Award
Tony Nevedal receives a recognition award for his service as an Apprenticeship Trustee